Brewers Bread
beer / spent grain dough / Spent grains

Brewers Bread

Originally posted on Metro Blog:
A tasty, grainy bread with a hint of hops. 2 loaf recipe. 3 Cups white flour reserved , and additional flour. 2 tablespoons  fast acting yeast (dry, for bread, 2 tablespoons) 1 tablespoons refrigerated yeast slurry ,  from brewing (this batch, Coopers)* “Beer” from refrigerated yeast * additional liquid, water…

beer / etc / links

links etc

filed under :natural sweeteners to consider for adjuncts to brewing. —————————————————————————————————————————————————- another interesting article happened to be posted there, my comment: is “lawyering up” a necessity for a start up business ? Will it provide defense and/or offense ,  like any other profession, can be used for good or bad intent I suppose. … Continue reading